"As Alzheimer's disease progresses, the need to nurture, love and be loved increases." American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists, 2012 conference in Washington DC
"As Alzheimer's disease progresses, the need to nurture, love and be loved increases." American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists, 2012 conference in Washington DC
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Myths About Alzheimer's: The Seriousness of a Fatal Disease

Alzheimer's Facts Alzheimer's Information Alzheimer's Myths Alzheimer's Research

(Due to a theory published by a U.S. doctor whose license was revoked, many people incorrectly believe flu vaccinations increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's.)

One of the biggest (and most unfortunate) myths surrounding Alzheimer's disease is people believing that Alzheimer's is simply a natural part of aging, while many people are also under the impression that Alzheimer's is not a fatal disease.

While caregivers and those who specialize in geriatrics are aware that both of the above statements are false, numerous surveys among the general populace in several countries, including the U.S., point to large-scale spreading of misinformation about Alzheimer's. (alz.org: source)

In addition to the above myths, there are also many others pertaining to the disease, such as the beliefs that Alzheimer's only affects older people or that the disease can be cured or treated. It is very important for people to be correctly informed about the significance and seriousness of Alzheimer's, especially when the number of those afflicted by some form of dementia (over 44 million) is expected to double by the year 2030.

Read more about popular myths regarding Alzheimer's: Alzheimer's Myths

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