"As Alzheimer's disease progresses, the need to nurture, love and be loved increases." American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists, 2012 conference in Washington DC
"As Alzheimer's disease progresses, the need to nurture, love and be loved increases." American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists, 2012 conference in Washington DC
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Why do stuffed animals support us mentally?

Baby dolls for alzheimer patients Gifts for dementia patients Realistic stuffed animals for dementia patients

Age-related regression and other physical problems can occur once there is an entry into the mid-late stages of dementia. Unusual behavioral traits start to creep in, and the person is on the cusp of associating themselves with their childhood days. Age-related regression and memory problems can make the elderly search to find love and care in stuffed toys and baby dolls for dementia patients. 

Stuffed animal therapy becomes a lifeline to many with dementia

Stuffed Animal Therapy

Often Seniors with memory issues suffer from Alzheimer's or Dementia. Progressing backward when it comes to their mental stature, people with dementia feel uncomfortable and possibly never interact. This is the stage where they are surrounded by the clouds of self-doubts, reduced self-care and low self-esteem. Loneliness, constant mental trauma, and a lost sense of security can get the better of them. It is difficult to get their confidence back and often live with a sense of degraded self-esteem. Navigating a change towards positivity is where stuffed animal therapy comes in. Gifts for Dementia patients have gained visibility as therapeutic tools. Stuffed animals, and  baby dolls, have satisfied the same needs that live animals or babies could. Let us now see how the stuffed animal therapy relieves the lost sense of self-confidence.

1) Improve mental health

Stuffed animal therapy helps restructure the impaired attachment bonds or disorganized attachment styles. Secured and repaired emotional attachments and restructured conscience help people with dementia live a happier and healthier life. Also, people suffering from depression, bipolar or other mental disorders are recommended for the stuffed animal therapy as part of their psychotherapy.

2) Ease loneliness and reduce self-doubts

Modern-day society and culture can make the elders feel lonely and alienated. This is a stage where the conscience allows self-doubts to enter and wreak havoc from within. Often, it becomes necessary for them to remain surrounded by items they love and can care for. These stuffed animals, though, might not be living but play a social role and help ease feelings of loneliness and alienation.

3) A reminiscence of childhood to heal trauma

Connecting back to the childhood days, these stuffed toys and baby dolls can bring a positive change in their psychological makeup. They remind Seniors of their childhood and create pleasant memories. Creating pleasant memories helps with better self-esteem, and the nostalgic feeling helps to heal from mental trauma. These provide a sense of continuity and can ease fears of loneliness. 

4) Reduce stress and bring in the sense of security

Animals, be it stuffed or living, reduce stress and make us feel better. Gifts for Dementia patients, especially the stuffed cats and dogs, arouse the interaction with a companion that stays forever. Playing with it causes a measurable reduction in cortisol levels, a stress hormone, acting as a solution to several psychological problems. The touch and feel of a soft stuffed toy is heavenly bliss and can reduce anxiety. Keeping people with dementia happier and healthier, the existence of the stuffed companion is a transitional object that offers a true sense of security during times of change. 

Contact Memorable and order the companion your loved one needs.

Contact Memorable Pets

Comforting, loving, nurturing are all the attributes that can be associated with stuffed toy and baby doll therapy. It has been proven through generations, that our Memorable Pets are those transitional companions who have demonstrated the ideal tool to fight against age-related regression. So, why not pick up your phone and order plush stuffed animal pets and baby dolls for your loved ones transitional, loving, comfortable, and nurturing therapeutic benefits.

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