"As Alzheimer's disease progresses, the need to nurture, love and be loved increases." American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists, 2012 conference in Washington DC
"As Alzheimer's disease progresses, the need to nurture, love and be loved increases." American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists, 2012 conference in Washington DC
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Doll & Pet Therapy for Alzheimer's and Dementia

baby dolls for dementia patients Gifts for dementia patients goldendoodle stuffed animal

Realistic looking, plush stuffed, breed-specific animals and dolls symbolize a gleam of hope in the dark. Loving, nurturing, and comforting gifts for Alzheimer's and Dementia patients, these stuffed toys are a reason why some lives are filled with laughter and joy once again. Yes, we are talking about the elderlies who have succumbed to the ever-so worsening age-related regression and other physical degradations for whom a ray of hope is a transitional companion. Old age certainly demands a source of perpetual love and romantic relationships that can be established and maintained for life-changing benefits and healthy recovery. As mentioned, transitional companions such as the doll and stuffed animal pet for Dementia patients prove great support and comfort.

Therapeutic pets are a luxury Seniors desire

Anxiety and agitation become an attribute in the aging population. The other behavioral changes in older adults become a cause of disheartenment amongst family members. This is when they start exploring the best possible steps to find hope to keep the older adults happy and engaged. Soft toys emerge as an effective and drug-free way to help seniors with the benefits of faux over real. They can purr, meow, bark, move and respond in realistic ways when petted or hugged. There are some very remarkable characteristics these pets and baby dolls for dementia patients relate to providing the best therapy for age-related degradation.

Benefits of plush stuffed dogs and cats

1) Lifelike and engaging

These soft toys are lifelike and engaging. They keep the elderly busy and bring in a sense of purpose for the person caring for them. These cuddly stuffed animals psychologically impact and allow the seniors to explore a new dimension of love and support. Out of the bounds of the primary caregiver, a sense of safety and security is realized in these transitional objects.

2) Satisfy the need to nurture in a comfortable and friendly environment

Stuffed toys engage the older adults when they are stuck in a distressing and discomforting environment. Their love and cuddly care give them a reason to gain their lost confidence. They define the true sense of revival of all positive associations. Their constant love and support make the seniors feel more at home. Holding sentimental value, the memories of these stuffed companions create a nurturing emotional state and a surplus love.

3) Help ease loneliness and improve mental health

Sometimes getting older means getting socially weaker. Emotional and social isolation leaves older adults in despair.They are no longer the hierarchical head of their family. Leaving the workplace, the deaths of spouses and friends, or through disability or illness, older adults somewhat find it difficult to get back a renewed sense of joy and hope. This is a stage where their friends and family members come in and help as the primary caregiver or through any other agent acting as the same. These plush toys come in to counter the state of loneliness and provide much needed mental support. These wonderful lifelike robotic pets connect and express to them the true meaning of love and affection at a time when they need it the most.

4) For self-soothe and improved self-confidence

Placing sentimental values at the core, many times the elderly start treating their beloved stuffed pets and dolls as their very family members. The presence of stuffed toys hence determines the way they move forward. At this stage, what's most important is self-soothe and a nourished mental state. These plush toys not only help your seniors regain self-confidence but also help heal severe trauma, survive excessive stress, or endure homesickness. Rejuvenating happy experiences and recollecting positive thoughts, stuffed toys use their weakness as their strength in a way to encourage positivity. 

Bring comfort to your seniors

Memorable pets

Having a dear one to cling onto for comfort can give a ray of hope to live with a revitalized sense of joy and cheer.  Stuffed pets and baby dolls for Dementia patients play a huge role in the healing process. It's not demeaning to offer someone a stuffed animal to see if they're interested. Stuffed toys bring in a true sense of compatibility and compassion not just for the sake of well-being but also for inducing a quality life in the older generations. Offering a sense of wisdom and  value to your seniors, stuffed toy therapy can be treasured throughout the later stages of life.

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